Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

Ok, I know it is only Tuesday but who knows what will be going on in my life on Wednesday. So here it is:

Today the boys were playing in the playroom and knocked over a lamp and broke the bulb. Thomas is sick. He has pink eye and an ear infection. He is very cranky! So, they come down to me and say Mommy we broke your lamp.
Me: You did what? Them: We accidentally knocked over your lamp and the bulb broke. I shook it out of my hair. Me: You what?

Ok, so after I count to 100. I go upstairs to see what actually had happened. Sure enough they had broken a lamp and the bulb. Here is a little trick I use to pick up tiny pieces of glass out of carpet or anywhere else for that matter. I use a lent roller. You know the little roller thing to get hair and fuzzes off of your clothes. It does wonders for tiny pieces of glass too. If you do not have a lent roller you can always wrap tape around your hand and use that too.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Thomas is so funny. He is my spunky, wild, and sassy 5 year old. He is constantly amazing me with the things he says. Everyone should take a day and look at the world through your pre-schoolers' eyes. You would be amazed how different things look. You would also be amazed how they interpret the things you say.

Some of these things I have talked about in previous parts of my blog so please pardon the repetition. I was visiting with my parents this weekend and Mark kept the kids. I was only gone overnight but when I got home I thought Thomas had grown. I told him I thought he had grown a foot while I was gone. He said, "Oh yeah? Where?" (stuck out his foot and was looking for another one.) He is so funny sometimes.

Of course there is the frantic jumping up and down shouting "What does it mean? What does it mean? What does swelling mean?" All of this happened because he fell and hurt his wrist and my sister said it looked like it was swelling.

One day Thomas was going around the house hold his breath. He would just be walking down the hall and all of a sudden take a big deep breath and hold it. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I am trying to get a baby in my tummy." OK, yeah I did not get that one either until I talked to his Daddy. Thomas had told his Daddy he wanted a baby brother or sister. Mark told him to hold his breath. Needless to say you really have to watch what you say to the little ones you never know how they will interpret it.

Oh, and I don't think I had mentioned this one before. Mark and Jack were watching basketball on TV in the living room and Thomas and I were watching TV in my room when a commercial for a pretty diamond ring came on. It was talking about the "Canary" Diamond. Thomas asks me, " Mommy do you have a ring like that?" I told him no that that was a really expensive ring and Mommy did not have one like that. I then, as a joke, told him to go and tell his Daddy that Mommy wanted a "Canary" Diamond ring. He said ok. He repeated it twice to make sure he was saying right. I muted the TV so I could hear the talk between Mark and Thomas. Thomas told him exactly what I had said and Mark told him to tell me to "hold my breath." Thomas immediately began screaming and saying over and over, " I don't want another baby! I don't want another baby!"

There is never a dull moment in my house. This is why I am writing everything down. They are so cute.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I had to take poor Thomas for his physical last Friday. He was due his shots before school. I did not tell him he was going to have shots. I kinda wormed my way out of it. I said, "I'm not sure, they might." I tried not to tell him he was going to get shots because I knew what would happen. When the nurse calls us back and began the weigh in and height check, Thomas asks, "Do I have to have shots?" Before I could but in the nurse says, "yes you are getting shots today." I could have screamed. All this time I kept saying I don't know, maybe and here she just blerts it out. Thomas immediately began his routine of hopping down the hall like a bunny and repeating, " I don't want shots." Over and over, "I don't want shots." Those of you that know him you can see this happening. Once we are in the room he starts in on; "will it hurt? Is the needle big? do they do it hard?" You can imagine these questions right? When the Doctor came in to do her exam she talked to him and tried to explain that he had to have shots to protect him. Again, those of you that know him know there is no way to reason with him.

He was so pitiful. I felt really bad about having to bring him to have this done. The nurses come in and start the prep for the shots. He had 5. Yes, 5 shots at one time. I thought there would only be 2 or 3 but 5 I was even in shock. He got up on the table himself without being told. He laid down and he pulled my face to his and said, "Mommy I want you right here." I told him I was not going anywhere. I pulled down his pants so they could get to his legs and Thomas did not want them to look at his underwear. He is a little modest. He put his fingers in his ears. I asked why he had his fingers in his ears and he replied, "I don't want to hear myself scream." That is so sad. He cried big tears. So much that he had wet the paper on the table. I lay across him and held his hands and the nurses said they would not do anything until he was ready. He took a deep breath and said, "NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!!!!" The nurses were surprised and said ok. He cried quite a bit and then calmed down and limped out of the room. He was pitiful. I felt so sorry for him. That really is a lot for a poor kid to take. He got some gummies from the checkout lady and was ok after that.

I am glad we don't have to do that again until he is 13. That was quite a workout.