OK, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I love our traditions with our Church. I love the Christmas Eve Lovefeast. In fact, Mark and I used to be dieners (those are the folks that serve the lovefeast). That is a tremendous honor to be chosen for that role in the Church. I was very honored that we were asked. We served for three years and then stepped down. The last year we served Jack was a baby. It was very difficult to do that 10:00 pm Lovefeast with an infant. Our Church is one of the only ones to offer three services on Christmas Eve.
A little history here: I am Moravian and if you do not know the Moravians they love to eat and sing. Any chance to have food and we are there and ready. The Lovefeast is a service where we serve coffee and a Moravian bun and we eat while listening to classic Moravian music. We have several through out the year. They are celebrations of milestones within our Church and the Moravian history. My favorite is the Christmas Eve Lovefeast. We not only serve the traditional coffee and buns but we also have a candle service. The dieners, at the end of the service, pass out hand poured bees wax candles to each person in the congregation. It is one of the most moving services. If you ever have the opportunity to attend I would highly recommend it. Our Church still pours its' own candles. At the end of the service you may take the candle with you to help remind you of what a special event you were a part.
I guess we do have our own traditions and I am getting to caught up in the pesky details. Christmas is my most favorite Holiday and I should just enjoy my children and the Season.
Sorry to blather on this time.
I am in the process of trying to start new traditions with my kids now that I feel they are old enough to understand what is going on. But I agree, sometimes it's easy to get caught up in trying to make things perfect or exactly how you think they should be, when really, the kids pick up more on the fact that they are spending time with mom and dad than anything. That's really what traditions are about...ways to spend time with family.
Good point! I am going to try to remember that.
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