Monday, June 9, 2008

Proud Mom! ! ! !

I have to brag a little today about Jack. Today was Honors Assembly at school. Jack received an award for his AR (Accelerated Reading) today. I am so proud of him. He was the only 2nd grader to receive an AR award today. I am proud because this is something he did on his own. I did not push him to do this. He loves to read and is good at it. He is reading at a 4th-5th grade level. He likes to read Magic Tree House books. I am glad he likes to read. I did not like to read at his age. It is only in my "old age" that I have found joy in reading. My husband on the other hand reads all the time. I guess I have to give him credit on this one. He reads everything and even as a kid he read a lot.

Jack had 71 AR points. If you do not know what AR is; the kids have to read books and take tests on them to see that they comprehended the book. For each book he read he took a test and received from 1/2 point to 3 points per test. There was a minimum point value you had to reach before you could be recognized. I am not sure what that is but I do know that Jack exceeded it.

Reading is so important and I am so glad that the school is recognizing kids for their reading. I am not just saying that because Jack got his award either. There are schools that recognize high candy sales or high magazine sales and other such mess. We need to be recognizing and encouraging academic performance. If we do not encourage our children to excel in academia you just might be taking care of them on in to their old age instead of vice versa. I always encourage independence with my kids. I want them to be able to leave the nest and excel in the "real" world. I know I do shelter them some. Some people that know me may think I shelter them to much. I don't see it as sheltering but as protecting them. They are so innocent, they think the "S" word is "Stupid." I love that. I hope that I can continue to protect them. We talk about bad language and things they are not supposed to say. I have heard some terrible things out of kids mouths at the ball field and ect.. Things I would not repeat. I wonder sometimes who they have heard talk that way. Do they really hear it on TV? Or have the poor things heard it because it has been said to them. I love that my children are innocent I want to keep them that way.

Sorry about the bragging. I'm a Mom it's my job.


Beth Cotell said...

Congratulations Jack!

And by the are SUPPOSED to brag..he's your kid,it's your blog...we'd wonder what was wrong with you if you didn't!

Pampered Mom said...

Thanks for the support!