Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hospital trip. . .

I had to take Jack to the Hospital this morning. Not an emergency or anything. He just woke up with an ear ache and sore throat. I worry about him with ear aches because in kindergarten his ear drum ruptured. He hardly ever complains about aches and pains so when he says something is hurting it is serious. We went to the Hospital because I do not go to "Doc in the Box" places any longer. That is a long story and for another day.

We did not have to wait long to be seen. They put us in a room with two beds divided by a curtain. There was not anyone in the other bed when we went in. They checked him out and he has strep. Not good since my child is allergic to every known antibiotic. I am not kidding. I could tell he did not feel good. He was not his perky self. They swabbed his throat and here is a little trick that I use when the kids have to have a swab for strep. Have them pant like a dog while they are swabbing the throat. It helps with the gag reflex. Jack did really well with it.

While we waited for the test on the swab they brought in a little girl in the bed next to us. They pulled the curtain so we could not see them and they could not see us. But the curtain does not help with sound. She was not a happy little girl. You could not help but hear what was going on. She was very upset and according to what the mother said she was not normally fussy. You could tell by her crying she was in pain.

The doctor told them they were going to do some x-rays and since she was so little they would have put her in a harness to keep her still. She just cried even louder. I felt so sorry for the little girl and the parents. It is so hard to have a little one that does not feel well. You cannot tell them all will be better. By this time Jack was dressed and sitting on my lap and we were waiting for his prescription. Jack said, "Mommy I wish I could trade places with her so she did not have to go through with that. I have had an x-ray and I know they don't hurt. " I am glad he had his back to me so he could not see my eyes well up with tears. I was so proud at that moment. As we left Jack turned to look at the empty table where the little girl had been and said, "I am so sorry she has to go through with that. I hope she will be ok." I told him we would remember her in our prayers tonight.


Beth Cotell said...

Aw geez! Now I've got tears in MY eyes! That was the sweetest thing!

I hope Jack feels better soon!

Pampered Mom said...

He is doing very well. I think I have it now. Yuck!