Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, the boys had their first games on Saturday. Thomas had his first. He was so cute. The got beat but I think they all had fun and they did not take it to seriously. The team they played however, you would have thought they just won the NBA championship. I know everyone gets excited about their team winning but please. Jacks' team won. They played a good game and I don't think they went overboard because they won.

Thomas was so cute, they let him bring the ball down court one time and he had the biggest grin. He was grinning and laughing and his tongue was sticking out. He was so excited just to be there. I don't even think he realized they did not win. He never asked and I know he was not looking at the score board. I don't think Thomas' team and the team he played were very evenly matched. Jacks' team and the team he played were evenly matched. Both teams played really hard. It could have been anybodies game.

We have friends that play on all the teams. So I pull for all the teams even when we are playing against them. Thomas was pulling against his brothers' team though. I am not sure why, but he kept yelling for the other team. I guess that is sibling rivalry.


Beth Cotell said...

Sounds like a fun morning! Did you sign the boys up for baseball last night?

Pampered Mom said...

Yes, Thomas, Jack does not sign up till later. He is in Rookie ball now. Kid pitch.