Monday, March 23, 2009

Crazy Little Dog. . .

I have a chihuahua named Frito, she is an indoor dog. We have had her longer than our children. She was our first child after Cainie of course. She sleeps between Mark and I. She is quite the character. Mark was eating a Popsicle and she was sitting on his hip. She loved Popsicles. She "accidentally" fell face first with her mouth open on to his Popsicle.

She has had her problems; She choked on a meatball one time, she ate a pound of dark chocolate, and she has fallen down the stairs too. She gave herself the Hymlick maneuver after the meatball. We had to pump her full of hydrogen peroxide after the chocolate.

Now to boot she has a heart murmur, chronic pancreatitis, and is completely blind in one eye and has a cataract in the other. She will be thirteen on May 22nd. She plays and carries on as if she were a pup. When we were having our deck torn out and replaced I opened the door to talk with the contractors and she went flying out after them and fell four feet. The deck was already gone.

When we leave the house she goes in the garage. Naturally we have all sorts of things in our garage like shoes, sporting equipment ect. . . Depending on who she thinks is the reason she is out there that's whose stuff gets attacked. She will pee on it or pee and drag a shoe into the pee. I know that is gross but you have to admit for a dog that is pretty calculating. So the other day we come home and she has a can of V8 juice in her bed. Now she only ways 10lbs. and she had to get the V8 off of a shelf and then drag it up into her bed. There again that took some effort and thought. Don't tell me dogs are not smart. She may have a bad heart and can't see real well but she still has her brains.

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