Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ball field Mom. . .

Yes, I am a ball field Mom. My kids are in to all the sports and I am glad of it. It keeps them away from the idiot box at home. And no I do not mean my husband. I love watching my boys play ball no matter what the sport. We are of course in baseball season now so that is the sport I am loving. Thomas (the 6 yr old) had his first game last night. He plays a modified t-ball. The coach pitches three times and if he does not hit the ball he gets two swings off the T.

Their team won, Yeah!!!! I was so happy for them. Apparently though I got too excited during the game and embarrassed my husband. Yes, I am one of those moms. I can't help it. I try my best to behave but I get so excited watching them play I lose myself in the game. I got a little loud and yelled and whooped and hollered some too. I will try to be on better behavior for the next game. All the kids did really well. Thomas was playing short stop and he had never played that spot before. He did ok for his first time out. He and the second baseman, his best friend, made an awesome play and got an out. There was some issue at the plate and they called it all back and so the out did not count. It will still go down in these books though because it was an awesome play for two 6 year olds to make and make well. Yeah team!!! If you are at the ball field and you hear someone yelling and screaming don't scowl at them just remember it is just a proud parent or grandparent getting excited at what their child or grandchild is doing. You never know it might be me.

Even if you don't have kids you should check out a local t-ball game. They are a lot of fun to watch. If you do have kids get them involved in sports. It teaches them team work and it gives them confidence for their later years. Kids can do anything until someone tells them they can't.
They do not know fear until "you" tell them to be afraid.

Love'em and enjoy them they grow up fast. My oldest is in player pitch this year. I remember his first time playing t-ball he floated around the bases like a butterfly flapping his arms. I will always remember that.


Beth Cotell said...

Even though they called it back, it's still an out in my mind! The fact that Thomas got the ball and threw it to the right place and that Peter actually caught it - I am still excited! I just wish we had it on video!

And I made too much noise too, but I just don't care. I want Peter to know I'm excited for him and that I am supporting him.

Pampered Mom said...

I am glad I was not the only one yelling then. HA HA!~! It is important for them to know we are there to cheer them on.