Sunday, June 14, 2009

AIG stuff. . .

AIG stands for Academically Gifted and Talented. We got our letter yesterday and Jack did not get in. I knew he was not going to because I had already talked with the AIG teacher at his school. One of the reasons he did not get in is because he was tested on Field Day. Yes, on a day that all he could think about was getting outside to play and have fun they chose to test him on his academics. Well, he only answered 42 questions out of 70. So I knew he was not going to make it.

Jacks' teacher brought this to my attention on Field Day and she was very upset and told the AIG teacher as such. She said it was unfair for the children to be tested on this day. She used to be an AIG teacher and she told me that she NEVER tested kids on Field Day. Their little minds are just not on school work that day.

So I also called and complained. I was told that if I pushed the issue that yes, they would test him again but if he did not pass then they would not look at him again EVER. I ask you how fair is that?

I have prayed a lot about this and I did not want to even talk to Jack about it because I knew how devastated he would be. He was so excited about getting to test and he really had his hopes up for this program. Last night Mark and I sat down and talked with him about it. He was upset and I told him that he would be on the "watch and wait" list. I am not sure exactly what this means except that they will test him again at the end of the fourth grade.

What really upsets me is the fact that I really wanted him to be able to participate in this program and when the teacher that is in charge of the program called to talk with me about my complaint this is what she said, "Being in AIG really doesn't mean anything, once they get to Middle School they don't even have AIG." So this is the "teacher" telling me the program she is over does not mean anything. So I asked her if she was just trying to make me feel better or what. She could not answer my question. This is not sour grapes, this is really what she said to me. How strange is it that the teacher in charge of the program says it does not mean anything. Should she not be more positive about the program?

I told Jack that his friends will probably be in the program and that he should be happy for them and congratulate them on a good job. I just hope he does not get ragged about not getting in. He did make straight A's for the entire year. I think that is a great accomplishment.

I don't know how much confidence I have in the AIG program after my odd conversation with the teacher.

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