Saturday, July 11, 2009

Learning to Ride the Bike

One of our Adventures this summer has been for Thomas to learn to ride his bike. The boys did not get bikes until we moved to this house. We used to live on a main road and so bikes were out of the question. Our first Christmas in this house Santa brought the boys bikes. They both had training wheels. Jack was 6 when we moved here and so that is when he learned to ride a bike and shortly after that learned to ride without training wheels.

The other day the boys were out riding and one of Thomas' training wheels broke. Mark said ok, it is time to learn to ride that bike without them. So he took the training wheels off and started practicing with Thomas on how to ride. His bike is really probably to small for him but he likes it and right now it will have to do.

Day three of trying to ride without training wheels and Thomas has mastered it. He is so excited that he can do it. Once he starts riding he does not want to stop.

My little baby is growing up. Oh no, I am not ready!

1 comment:

Beth Cotell said...

Way to go Thomas!!!!!!