Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Reading

So we went to the Library yesterday just in time to sign up for their Summer Reading program.  They want the kids to read in 15 minute segments.  Every 15 minutes they read they color in a picture and as they are coloring in pictures they are earning prizes.  This is very managable and the kids have to keep up with it.  Jack loves getting prizes.  He read for an hour and fourty-five minutes yesterday.  Thomas read for an hour.  They both checked out their own books and are now excited about completing their coloring pages for their reading times. 
I give kudos to the Library for such a clever plan.   All I have heard for the last several days is that you have to keep your kids reading over the summer in order to keep them learning and so they will be ready for their next grade level.   Thank you to my local Library for a great plan. 
We also went to the movies to see Marmaduke.  It was really cute.  The kids loved it.  I could not believe it but we were the only ones there.  As hot as it has been I thought it would be really crowded.  Right before the movie started another gentleman and his two kids came in so it was only the six of us in this giant theater. 
After the movies we headed for home so the kids could do their reading.  I have picked up a book myself to read.  I figure if I show them I am taking time to read it will also encourage them to do the same.  I will have to tell you about my book later.  Mine is purely for pleasure. 

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