Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Famine is over. . .

The boys survived the 30 hour famine.  It ended with our Day of Prayer Lovefeast at our Church.  They enjoyed their Lovefeast and then had pizza, baked spaghetti and doughnuts to round out the evening.  So proud of the boys.  They learned what hunger is and they learned about different countries too.  They were aligned with a particular tribe and ate a traditional meal from that area.  Jack said he did get a little bit of a headache from not eating but he was ok.  They are tired and grouchy, which I was anticipating.  Thomas said Jack was talking in his sleep last night.  I think they had a good time.  I hope they make it through school tomorrow.  Mark and I enjoyed a quiet evening at home last night.  Just us and the B.  She seemed to miss the boys too, she didn't have anyone to chase and play with.  The boys raised $185 to go to World Vision.

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