Monday, October 10, 2016

What I Have Learned. . .

I worked my three twelve hour days this past week and I learned how truly hard that is.  Friday was exciting, I had a lot to do and I learned a lot too.  
One of the most important things I have learned, is that I am married to the greatest man on earth.  He has really stepped up in his stay-at-home daddy role.  My mom reminded me of this, this morning how lucky I am to have such a very dedicated husband.  He gets the boys up and fixes their breakfast and packs their lunches.  He is a trooper and I am very thankful.
The hubbs will be talking with his old boss this next week via a telephone interview.   The hubbs is also doing a telephone interview with two other companies this next week.  We are very hopeful about the week.
I get to do some travel this week to our other offices and that is exciting.
I think in these next few weeks I will better adjust to the schedule. The boys seem to be adjusting to me not being here all the time, even though I am not.  
Stay tuned, this is going to be another wild week.   

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