Sunday, January 8, 2017

Snow, Snow, and Snow. . .

We got more snowfall than the predictions and it was in the teens this morning.   The sweet B loved being in the snow yesterday but, she is less enthused today.   The hubbs said she could have been the ASPCA spokes doggie for keeping your pets inside on cold days.  It was absolutely pitiful.  She has the height of the pug, so with almost 10 inches of snow her little naked belly was buried in the snow. 
We laid down two boards before the snow started so when it was over she would have a grassy spot to potty.  
That works great for a quick squat but for the other it would not do, hence the cold belly. 
They have already called school off for tomorrow and Church was canceled for today due to road conditions.  
I love the snow, I always have.  I called my mom the day after it had snowed and hollered, "it snowed, it snowed, let's go out and play, hurry up."   Mom got a kick out of it as I reminded her of early a start I would get sledding with our neighbor.  They had the best hill, it was almost like a ski slope.  
 It is so peaceful when the snow is falling.  It is like nature's way of cleansing itself and starting new. 
Here's to the new year and a cleansing of my own, a new start for our family.  


Beth (A Mom's Life) said...

I love snow as soon as I wake up and there are no tracks or black dirt. But after a couple of hours I am ready for it to be gone! And now that we've had a big snow I can say, "Bring on summer!"

Pampered Mom said...

I am not at all ready for summer. I would like to see another good snow. I do hate that the kids are missing school, especially at exam time. Kinda worried about that.