Monday, January 15, 2018

Truly Pampered Mom

I must brag just a bit on my very sweet husband.  He does a lot around the house and he is fully involved with what ever the kids are doing and he cooks now and then.  The other day he announced he was going to make chicken pies.  I did a little double take with the head tilt and confused look on my face. He said again, I am going to make chicken pies.  I said ok, and laughed it off. Well, low and behold,  he made two chicken pies the other day. We froze one and ate the other one.  I must admit it was very good.  We can add chicken pie to his vast repertoire of pancakes, bacon, omelet,  anything on the grill, Greek chicken in the crock pot,  and Latoshia's chili recipe. 
He said he was preparing to retire, he would cook while I worked part time to provide insurance.  He really has been thinking an awful lot about this retirement thing.  He has had a good deal of practice lately with my work schedule and a lot of folks sick at work.  He has really had to be both Mom and Dad  several days these last few months.   He is a trooper though, he rarely complains, maybe sometimes in jest. 
I am a lucky girl!!  In April we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary,  it does not seem that long ago.  I love this man more and more each day.  If I could give advice to those engaged or even newlyweds, I would say find someone that makes you laugh and never ever hold anything back.  The hubbs and I do argue but, we argue and get it out and over with.   We are different people and have different opinions and we are not afraid to share that opinion with each other.  We have had our fare share of knock down drag outs but we always feel better after we have voiced our opinions.  Do not change who you are for anyone, your soulmate should know the real you.  
My very sweet hubby said on numerous occasions he loved me because of my fire and my willingness to fight for what I believe in. 
Things have been sporadic for sure here at the Pampered Mom?? but do not fear I am trying to find my way and get back to a regular schedule of posting.  Stay tuned, you know that Sprat is getting ready for College and Big T is finishing that first year of high school.  

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