Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Update on Shark Week. . . .

So I posted about how much our family loved Shark Week, hosted by Discovery Channel.  We always tune in to learn more about sharks and to see all the video footage they have.  They always show such beautiful video.  I told you about how disappointed I was in Tuesday nights episode and how it was just not good.   Hubby and I have still been talking about the Megalodon episode.  He has been listening to the different radio talk shows hashing it out.  Hubby looked up the oceanographer that was the lead person on this hunt and he could not be found on google except associated to this episode.  I told him to look it up on Snopes, so he pulled it up and snopes is calling it a farce.  check it out for yourself.
I am a little disappointed in Discovery Channel ethics.  Some channels you depend on to be honest and report the truth, this just goes to show you, you cannot believe everything you see or hear on TV.   They should really know better in this day and age of google.  According to Snopes several people have asked about this and have looked it up.  One thing Snopes pointed out was that the South African press did not report the boat being capsized and the three people dead.  That does raise a few questions.
Shame on Discovery Channel for stooping to such a level of deception.

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