Thursday, August 22, 2013

What makes a man, a Father? ? ? ?

I don't usually write gushy stuff about my husband but, sometimes he just brings that out in me.  The other night I was trying to get the kids up for devotions and Bible reading and that is a HUGE task.  Some nights they just don't want to go to bed, go figure, they're boys.  I had a pretty tiresome day and was sitting on the couch and dear hubby had his Ipad out and I asked him to pull up Keys for Kids.  That is the online site we get our devotions from.  I was feeling too lazy to get up and get the hamster running in my computer and pull it up.  I have told you about my husband praying over our garden in other posts.  You know he is a spiritual man.  I expected him to pull up the site and hand me the ipad to read it for the kids.  Instead, he read the devotion that night.  I was a little shocked, since he normally lets me do all the reading unless I have a sore throat or something.  I was so excited, some days I feel like what I do does not matter and then he does something like this and it makes me realize he does appreciate what I am trying to do and it does matter.  When both Mom and Dad work together to build that spiritual bond in their relationship it bleeds over into the family relationship too.   I feel so blessed.   It is a real man and Father that will read devotions and the Bible to his kids.  I know that God is working in our lives and I am so thankful for all of his blessings.

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