Monday, July 2, 2018

Random Pictures. . . Lots of Celebration. . . .

They honored our Seniors at Church, we celebrated with the hubbs family, and there are plans to celebrate with my family and to celebrate with friends soon too.  Sprat has been playing HOT Lax these last few weeks and this weekend he played against college teams in a pick up tournament.  He is running daily to get in condition to go to Boston and play. 

Church Recognition 

3 back to back Lax against college teams and a quick lunch at the lake.

Celebratory lunch after Church with milkshakes 

This is my handy work, you cannot tell since my picture is so bad but...
it is a shadow box with Sprats letter and tassel.  Neither of my boys wanted Letter jackets so here is my answer to that.  It really is very neat, I still have to add his pins for Lacrosse from Jr and Sr year and I think he has at least one more star.  The shadow box I found at AC Moore and it has hinges so you can add to it through the years.  You can hang it or you can stand it up on a shelf. 


Beth (A Mom's Life) said...

That shadow box is a great idea!!! Looks really cool.

Pampered Mom said...

Thank you Beth. It really looks a lot better in person. Lol!! Neither of the boys wanted letter jackets and quite honestly they are very expensive to get no more out of them than you do.