Friday, March 31, 2017

College Tours. . .

Went on another college tour yesterday, to my Alma mater.  We have plans to go to the hubbs Alma mater next week and one other school and that is all we have.  Sprat wants to go somewhere small, where he want be in an English class of 300+ students.  He is a lot like his mama, even if he does not want to admit it.  I picked my college because at the time I wanted to go to pharmacy school and I wanted small classes.  Obviously I did not go to pharmacy school but, I did like the small class size and the small campus and I think I am doing ok with my biology degree.  I must admit, I felt proud to be back on campus and I felt proud that my son may attend my college.
It was funny, on the way home Sprat fell asleep and the hubbs and I were talking and the hubbs got a little misty at the thought that our oldest is growing up and will be moving on.  I do not think he has thought about it seriously before yesterday.  It hit him right in the face as we were riding on the golf cart across campus looking at all the buildings, touring the library and the dorm.  Our baby is growing up and will be going off to college in a year.  Oh Boy!!  Did I really just say that?
This was an interesting visit, I do not think I went on a visit before I attended.  I just applied and went, the kids now get to interview prospective colleges to see if that is where they want to go.  I did a drive through on the way to the beach with my parents and said, yeah I think I would like to go here and then applied.  I like the interview process, the college sort of helps the student find them selves and sometimes figure out what they want to major in.  Our interview yesterday may have helped Sprat really decide what he wants to do.  I was very impressed with what they have to offer in the way of helping the student find work after graduation and the opportunities that will be available to him while he is there.  I think this college moved up to number one.
We have two more to do in a week or so and then I think he will be ready to make up his mind.  Oh, and let us not forget the Prom in four more weeks.  Stay tuned.. . .

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Updates. . . Prom, Sick, Work. . .

Drum roll please  ^-^-^-^-^-  She said yes.  They are going to the Prom.  Now begins the fun part, of finding a tux, picking out flowers, finding a ride, and figuring out where they will go to eat.  I have shared some of my fun prom memories with Sprat and with Big T since it is prom time.  Back in the dark ages when Paul Revere rode to make sure everyone got home ok.  Na, I am not that old.
The young lady, we will call her Miss C, is shopping for a dress this weekend and then we start thinking about flowers and the tux.  I may be a little more excited than Sprat.
When I asked him if he had asked her and he told me he was going to ask the next day at school, all I could picture was some lame question at lunch or in between classes.   He did surprise me though, he had a well thought out plan and it was quite good.  A little back story on Miss C, she is a trainer for the football team and the girls softball team at out high school.  Sprat said she is thinking about being a physical therapist, physician assistant or something like that.   The other day Sprat was supposed to have lacrosse practice and he was going to get Miss C to tape his ankle before practice.  Sprat and one of his buddies had gone out and bought some athletic tape and he had written on the inside after a certain amount was rolled off, "Prom ???"   I thought that was pretty ingenious, some may say cheesy but if you knew my boy you would say ingenious.    When he came home that day I asked how everything went?  He said, she said yes.  I asked, did she say just a yes or was there at least some smiling and laughter and a big ole YES!!?   He said she was smiling and laughing, he also said all of her friends were there and all of his friends were there.  I would bet she had a little bit of a clue  about what was going on.  I did make sure that morning that he had washed his feet and put on clean socks.  heeheeheeheehee.
Big T has bronchitis and has been sidelined for this weekend with lacrosse.  He has the worst cough, sounds like a goose honking  around.   Cough medicine is just not working.  He started on antibiotics, so I hope it clears up quick.
I had my six month review the other day and it was pretty good.  They said they will keep me on, so that is good.  I am enjoying my work, there are days that it is very trying, I will not lie, it is very hard to go back to work after thirteen years.  I am very thankful they have been patient with me through my training process and my adjustment to the fluctuating schedule.  Feeling very blessed and very thankful.
Stay tuned for Prom updates . . .

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring. . .Prom??

My dear Sprat has found girls, I thought he would be like his daddy and not be interested till  college.  Spring has come a little early at our house.  One night I was chilling on the couch and Sprat came to me and asked, "what would you say if I told you I had a girlfriend?"  I laughed because I thought he was kidding.  Could my son really want to talk to me about his social life, he has kept me in the dark for so long on these sorts of things.  Sprat has never been one to talk and open up, Big T on the other hand, tells me way more than I would ever want to know.  Ok, so back to the loaded question.  I told him I would simply ask who she was.  He told me and I was not really surprised because they grew up together and have been friends all that time.  To me, it seemed logical and I kind of thought they were but I would never say anything.  This first dating experience did not last, I think because they were friends it made it a little weird.
Last night Sprat asked me for money for Prom tickets and I asked who he was taking.  He told me who he wanted to ask and again I was not surprised because he was quite chatty with this young lady over Christmas break.  I did give him a condition on giving him money for tickets.  I told him I get to take as many pictures as I want and he has to smile and be nice.  He reluctantly agreed and I gave him the money.  I try not to ask too many questions because Sprat is kind of like a scared rabbit, you do not want to make any big motions or loud noises because it might scare him away.   I have to tell you I am enjoying Sprat sharing this part of his life with me.   An hour or so after the request for money to buy Prom tickets, I approached very slowly to see if he had asked this young lady yet.   To my surprise he had not asked her yet but, he did have a plan on how to ask her.  I cannot share that just yet because he has not asked her.  He has a plan to do it at school today and I must say he takes after his Daddy  just a little bit.  I was very surprised that he had this all planned out, he has always been a fly by the seat of your pants kinda kid.
Stay tuned to see if she will say yes to my sweet Sprat. . . .  and to hear how he asked her.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Notes to the Boys. . . .

I know I have posted on this before but, as we approach the end of another year of school I feel it can be repeated.  I saw this on Pinterest or another site about how this mother wrote her kids a letter every year talking to them about things that happened that year and their accomplishments.  With each letter she enclosed a little money and when their child graduated she gave them all of the letters.   This gave the kids a very nice handwritten note about their childhood from their mom or dad and a little extra cash for graduation.
I have done something similar for my boys.  Since I did not get started until later in the boys lives I decided I would write to them at particular moments in their lives and more than just once a year.  This way they will have a few more letters and a little extra money.  I recently wrote to Sprat about him preparing for college and playing lacrosse.  I enclose $10 or $20 in each envelope just depending on how much cash I have on hand.
My hope is that they will appreciate having a note written in my handwriting to them personally and they will realize how much they were loved.  I do worry whether I should tell them there is money in each note.  They may just tear through the letters and not take the time to read them.   I have some old little daily note books of my grandfathers and I love them.  He talks a lot about his work and things he had to do for work but, I have a couple that mention my mom by name and my aunt and how he was going to take them shopping for shoes one day.  These are dated back in the 1930's and it really is neat to have these written in his handwriting.  I never knew my grandfather on either side, they had both passed away before I was born.  I hope my kids will keep my notes like I keep my grandfather's notebooks and appreciate their sentiment.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

Coaches and Their Responsibility. . .

Please forgive my rant this morning.   I am so sick and tired of coaches that think it is ok to put a student down in front of other students or to the student themselves.  I really wish people would grow up and act like adults instead of middle school playground bullies.  I posted earlier this year that Sprat was not going to be playing football in his senior year due mostly to the coaches and how they acted to the players.  In my dear son's words "they sucked the fun out of football."  We have always told our kids when a sport becomes more of a job than a sport and they are no longer having fun participating, it is time to move on.  Sprat made this decision on his own and has moved on to Lacrosse.  He is absolutely loving lacrosse and loves his coaches.  He comes home every night with a smile on his face and bruised from head to toe, but he is loving this sport.  I am so thankful for the men and the other students that are helping to coach this team, they are wonderful!!  
Now as for football I am beyond done and so is Sprat.  The football coach had to open the locker room the other day for the lacrosse team to get in.  This coach saw Sprat and called him by name in front of his peers and asked if he was going to sit the bench in this sport too.  I cannot tell you the restraint that it took as a mom to not go and have a prayer meeting with this two bit you know what. My son being the amazing kid that he is replied in true fashion of our family,  "that is a real knee slapper coach."  I cannot tell you how proud of my son I am because he repeatedly deals with this two bit you know what and he repeatedly proves that he is the better person and more of an adult than this two bit you know what will ever be in his wildest dreams.    Yesterday one of Sprat's teammates told him what another football coach said to him about my son.  Why is this coach talking to another student about my kid when he is not even involved in lacrosse or involved in any fashion with my son.  Can we please grow up and quit acting like children and start setting a better example for our kids.  Why would a "teacher," and I use that term very loosely, talk to anther student like that?
Now I am going to rave over the coaches that are working with this lacrosse team.  They are wonderful and they are setting a great example on how to be a man.  Again, I cannot say enough how thankful I am for these men and Lacrosse.  This sport has come at a time when my child needed someone and something to shoot for.  He said the other night that how much he is loving this sport and he even said how much he likes his coaches and how supportive they have been of him.  He has never played this sport before and with their encouragement and support and help he is doing really well.  He has also taken on the very difficult position of goalie and usually nobody wants to play goalie because you get his with balls coming at you at 90+ miles an hour.   My poor baby has the bruises to prove it, but he is very proud of everyone of his bruises.
If you are reading this and you are a coach please take what I have said to heart.  No matter what you think of a player do not, I repeat, do not talk about them to another player or anyone else for that matter unless you are raving about how good they are.  It will get back to them and their parents and their mom may not have as much restraint as I.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Stay at Home vs. Working Moms

The other day a friend of mine posted on Facebook that another woman had tried to undermine her for being a stay-at-home mom.  We all have insecurities about our mothering ability and I guess we always will, if you do not then kudos to you.  This particular woman was trying to make my friend feel less of a person because she put her career on hold to be at home with her kids, or as some of those mightier than thou gals like to put it, be "just a mom."   I feel like I can speak to this issue because I have been on both sides of this fence.  Just so you know, neither side is easy.  I went back to work right after Sprat was born,  and I worked until Big T came along.  The hubbs and I decided together that I would stay at home with the boys.  I do not regret that decision one bit, I have loved every minute being "just a mom" to my boys.   When my very sweet hubby was laid off last year we made a decision together, that I would look for a part-time job to help out and save for the kids college fund.  Now I am a working mom once more.
Since I have been on both sides of this fence I know the pain that continues to plague all mothers.   When I went back to work after having Sprat, I felt a huge guilt.  I felt like I was letting someone else raise my sweet boy.  Since I ran my own business I was not in a position to stay home with my sweet  Sprat.  I am sure there are many moms that are in similar situations and do not have the option to stay at home with their kids.  I always felt like people were judging me for not staying at home with my baby.  These were things in my own head though, I cannot remember anyone saying anything like that to me.  After I found out I was pregnant with my Big T the hubbs and I talked it over and decided that my business was where I could close it down and stay at home with my boys.  This was our decision, not everyone can do that or even wants to do that and that is ok.
I remember taking the boys to the grocery store and running errands and things, they went every where with me.  I also remember the looks I would get sometimes from other women that were working, either working moms or just working women.   Once the boys were in school and playing sports I remember talking with the other moms and they would be discussing their jobs and I would sheepishly say that I stayed at home with my boys.  I am sure some of my feelings were from my own insecurities about being a mom but some were from the other moms.  Sometimes I felt as if I needed to print up my resume so that when the subject of what do you do came up I could just hand it to them.  Sometimes I felt like they would look at me as if, all I could do was be  a mom when I should have been very proud to be the mother of these two great kids.
As for my friend who had someone trying to belittle what she did as a mom, this woman does not have a problem with you she has a problem with herself.  She is insecure in the path that she has chosen and thinks if she puts you down it will raise her up.    Do not let anyone make you feel less of a mom no mater the path you have chosen.   It is not easy on either side and I know from experience, we must make our own decisions and not let anyone or even society tell us what is best.
Stay strong ladies and remember, I am just a mom and this is just my opinion.  

Monday, March 6, 2017

Lacrosse All Around. . .

Both the boys are playing lacrosse this year.  Big T is with the rec league and Sprat is at the high school.  Our high school made lacrosse a school sport this year and Sprat is trying his hand at goalie. 
Big T had two games on Saturday and two wins.   Sprat played on Friday and had a big win.  Sunday we went to check out a college lacrosse game.  It was really fast paced.  It was really cold yesterday too, so we did not stay for the whole game.  

Stay tuned because we are just getting warmed up.
Big T Gearing Up

Sprat as goalie