Monday, March 6, 2017

Lacrosse All Around. . .

Both the boys are playing lacrosse this year.  Big T is with the rec league and Sprat is at the high school.  Our high school made lacrosse a school sport this year and Sprat is trying his hand at goalie. 
Big T had two games on Saturday and two wins.   Sprat played on Friday and had a big win.  Sunday we went to check out a college lacrosse game.  It was really fast paced.  It was really cold yesterday too, so we did not stay for the whole game.  

Stay tuned because we are just getting warmed up.
Big T Gearing Up

Sprat as goalie


Beth (A Mom's Life) said...

A new sport! How exciting! Sounds like both boys are off to a great start!

Pampered Mom said...

I can see it in Sprat's face and mannerisms that he is really enjoying playing. He is having fun with all the kids on the team and his coaches are not being ugly to any of the players. These coaches are encouraging the players and the players are encouraging each other. Big T told Sprat the other night that next year he would be defending him at the goal. ha ha ha!!
They crack me up.