Monday, May 6, 2019

My Boy is Home. . .

My Boston boy is home!!!  I am one happy mama.  We have so much to catch up on, the new school he will be attending next year, classes, new girlfriend (his word not mine), and all the great things he got to do while in Boston this past year.
He got home yesterday afternoon and he spent about an hour with us unloading ALL of this laundry and then he and Big T were off to see all of his buddies that were at home.  They went to the local watering hole to announce to all of his other friends that he had arrived home from school.  I spent hours on end worrying about how these two boys would get along once the hubbs and I were gone, it does my heart good to know that their relationship has grown this last year through snap chat, texting, and Instagram. I guess I am glad for social media.
The boy is now looking for a job.  This should be a fun adventure.  He does have experience in food service now thanks to his college experience.  Part of his responsibility with the lacrosse team was to work at various Boston College sporting events in the concession stands, all of the money went to the lacrosse program.   He did not earn any money but he earned job experience.
We went to breakfast this morning and were able to catch up  little bit and then the boys went for a movie with their dad for some male bonding.
The hubbs and I have worked in the garden and I have more oregano drying along with some Sage and Basil.  The herb garden is coming along and my garlic even looks good.

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