Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year...New, New, New....

On this New Year's eve of 2015 I look back and see how things have changed and how I would like things to change in 2016.   So,  I am still in school, on break and between semesters.  I loved my public speaking class this session.   I highly recommend that for every high school student.  This is a necessity if you are going to make a good impression on interviews or even presentations.  This next session will be all about criminal justice. 
  The boys are growing and ever changing.   I cannot believe Sprat is a sophomore in high school and Big T is in seventh grade.  They both are growing in their interests.  We will start planning college tours soon for Sprat.   Breathe.  . .
College???? Ughhhh. Am I really ready to push my baby out of the nest?  Many more post to follow on that one,  with tears. . .   Big T is turning into a nasty teenage alien.  I never thought my sweet T would ever become an awful teenager but, that is happening right before my eyes. 
  The hubbs is still recovering from his nasty fall on the ice in March, surgery, and finally going back to work.  Here is what I learned from that episode.  If you are a diabetic and have any kind of surgery or trauma you sugar is going to go through the roof.   The hubbs is a controlled diabetic and after he had to have surgery his sugar was upward of 500(this is VERY high).  Even if you are not insulin dependent they give you insulin to control your sugar.  Nobody told us this, so I flipped out.  This should really be something they make you aware of before any surgery.  Needless to say I cried myself to sleep that night in the hospital and it took weeks before his sugar came back to where he was before the fall.  I am very thankful for a family doctor who talked me off the ceiling that night and a pastor that visited and prayed with us before and after surgery. 
Our clan has so many things to be thankful for this year too many to list and many things to look forward to for 2016.
From my house to yours Happy New. Year!!!!  

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