Monday, January 4, 2016

Holiday Recovery. . .

How many of you feel like you need a week or more to recover from all the Holiday hoopla?   I love Christmas and Thanksgiving but, it can really wear a person out.  I love decorating but it is a major chore to take everything down.  It makes me sad too. When we had an artificial tree I would leave it up till mid January.  I guess that is why we started getting real trees again.  My hubby hated when I would leave the tree up that long.  I saw on Facebook the other day a picture of a tree decorated and wrapped in cellophane and I thought that would be an awesome way to store an artificial tree if you had the room.  
We had a fabulous Christmas visiting with family.   Very thankful and blessed everyone is in good health.  My mom gave me the funniest calendar. (See the cover below).  I think this will be my mantra for the kids and myself  for 2016. Why be normal and boring, be unique and stir things up a bit.   I have always encouraged them not to follow the crowd.  I think I may have to stress this even more this year.   One quote from the calendar rings so true, "God doesn't want an orchestra of identical instruments all playing the same tune."   I tell my boys all the time that God made them unique and they should strive to keep and cultivate that uniqueness. 
I gave up on resolutions a long time  ago.  In my old age I decided to be the best me I can be and be better than I was the day before.  What is your goal for 2016?  I would love to hear from you.  
I say good bye to 2015 and any mistakes I made and hello to 2016, a fresh start. 

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