Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Boys, Long Hair, and Girls. . .

My hubby and I have always tried to encourage our kids to have good hygiene, good manners, and in general be good people.  The hubbs and I try to set good examples of each of these but, you know how things go sometimes.  When the boys were little we talked about how some boys have earrings, long hair and tattoos, I personally am not a fan of any of these for boys.  My hubby put it in no uncertain terms that they were not to have any of those unless they were professional wrestlers or playing in a rock band and being paid for it.  I put my foot in my mouth big time with that one, I was saying something about that at work the other night and one of the girls that was working with me has a tattoo.  I mean no offense to anyone that has any of those things, I just do not want my kids to have them at this age of  impetuousness.  If they make that choice later in their lives, that will be just that, their choice.  While they are in my care it is not going to happen.   Most of my friends have tattoos and that does not bother me, that is their choice.  My hubby has a tattoo and that was his choice in his impetuous youth.  So, back to the other things, the hair, my sweet Big T has let his hair grow out this year and has refused to get it cut.  I have talked him in to a trim and a shape up here and there but nothing real short like he use to wear.   His hair really is quite pretty, I know that is not what he wants to hear, but it really is.  He has the softest curls and it is thick too.  There are girls that would kill to have his hair.   I was griping to a nice lady at Church the other Sunday about Big T's hair and she told me that if that is all I have a problem with I should thank my lucky stars.  There are so many much worse things I could have to deal with and that if he wants to have his hair a little long I should just accept it and be happy.  I thanked her for her much needed kick in the pants because she is so right.  Big T is a pretty good kid; A/B honor roll, helps a little around the house, and he is not a trouble maker, unless you count trouble with his brother.  I have given in on the hair front for right now.
On to the dating front.  Sprat is now on his third "girlfriend" since Christmas.  He did not even know that girls existed until Christmas and now all of a sudden he is like Baskin Robbins and 31 flavors.  My hubby and I have been giving him a pretty hard time about the flavor of the month.  He dates a girl for about a month or so and then they are done.  Not quite sure if they are done with him or if it is the other way around.   He is having fun and not getting too serious about any of them and for that I am grateful.  Big T has not found girls yet and I am also thankful for that.  He is really excited about school and lacrosse right now, I hope he stays focused.
Stay tuned for more on the hair front  LOL!!!

This was his last day of school.  

This was last Summer both with short hair.  Sprat has always kept his short, he would get his cut every two weeks if I would let him.

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