Monday, July 17, 2017

Kitchen Gadgets, I'm a Sucker. . .

My boss was telling me about this pot that she has.  It is a pressure cooker, called the "Instant Pot."  I had heard of pressure cookers but not this one. 
This conversation began because she had brought in a cabbage soup for lunch that day and she was telling how she had made it.  She had put it in her Instant Pot and cooked it in 10 minutes.  What???  Yep that is what she said.  Later that week she brought in potato salad that she had made in 8 minutes, eggs included.  I was amazed. 
You can probably guess where this is going.  Yes, I bought one.  I made some chicken the other night in 14 minutes.  It was good, I used one of the recipes in the book that came with the pot.  I also used frozen chicken breast, the chicken was fork tender.
I am going to try the potato salad next, eggs and all.  I will let ya know how it goes.  The hubbs is all on board, the kids not so much. 
Stay tuned for more instant pot stories.

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