Saturday, March 3, 2012

Progress Reports. . .

Have the progress reports for both kidos.  Jack all A's  and Thomas 2 A's and 2 B's  Yeah!!   He brought his C in Math up to a B.  So glad for him.   He is having such fun and learning a lot at Sylvan.  I do recommend Sylvan if your child is struggling in any thing in school.   I have learned with Jack to never take the Schools' word for anything.  You have to do your  investigating, and never take anything at face value.   Don't get me wrong, our school system is better than most but they all have their issues and need to be checked up on.  So Moms stay strong and always look further into things before you accept someone elses word.  I took the bull by the horns and had him tested independently of the school and am glad I did.  His confidence is on the rise as well.  I am so glad for that too.   Our kids need confidence if they are going to go out in this big old world and stand against the enemy.  It takes confidence to say no to things. It takes confidence to resist peer pressure.  It takes confidence to stand up for what you believe in.  It takes confidence to step out of the box and make it in this world.  That should be number one or two on the Moms' job description, build your childs' confidence because without it they don't stand a chance.    Kids today must face more things earlier than when I was little.  My teachers were always loving, caring, and somewhat mothering of all the kids in class.  Today the teachers are a bit abrasive and they do not reassure the kids and some don't care how they talk to the kids.  Kids are smart and pick up on these things.    It is hard to explain to your child why his teacher is making fun of his writing.   When you know deep in your heart she should not be.   Encourage, encourage, encourage, Love, love, love those kidos!!!!

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