Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Feeling a little under appreciated. . . .

Have you ever just thought you could not win no matter what you did?  Have you ever just felt like giving up completely?  Who would notice if you didn't do all the little things that you do?   This has been a terrible week and I am in need of a good vent, just to get some things off of my chest.  Why is it we try so hard to do and please so many people that really do not care about you or anything that you do?  All they care about is if they get what they need out of us.  We really should just  care what our family thinks of us and how our family appreciates us.  I think it is in grained in us at an early age to care what others think of us.   I see this as a fault not an attribute in human nature. 
People will bleed you dry if you let them.  They will take and take and never give back.  Those are the people you should stay away from.  They are everywhere and sometimes they are not individuals they are entities like our school system.  They want you to give and give and give and what do you get back?  Kids that are being bullied and your school systems' answer to the problem is don't ride the bus, or if your kids lunch is being taken everyday by the same kid and the school tells you why don't you let your child buy their lunch.  Ha!!!  Why can't the school stop the bully??????  They know who it is, what is the hold up?   Here is another gem from our school system.  One kid trying to keep the bully form falling on top of him and crushing him and they both get sent to in school suspension.  Where is the justice in that?  I will tell you there is no justice.   I will be so glad when my kids are out of the public school system.  I cannot afford private school for two and I could not handle home school but I may have to buck up and do it.  Several of my friends have taken their kids out of our school system and are either home schooling them or sending them to private school.  You would think this would send a signal to the school system.  They are completely clueless!!!!!

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