Friday, April 24, 2015

Crazy Week. . .

Sorry I have been absent this week.  Lots going on in our house.  Both boys  playing baseball at different fields and Sprat having football workouts at 6:30am and one driver in the house.  Whewww! 
The hubbs is improving and now has 40 degree range of motion with his brace.  Still cannot fit behind the wheel so I am chauffeur till that changes.  We hope to get to Church this Sunday, all of us.  Thomas starts confirmation class Sunday and this is very exciting.  
We are still having to fight the disability insurance people.   They keep threatening to cut off the hubbs benefits.  I do realize that there are some low life's that milk the system for all it is worth but, that is no reason to assume everyone on disability is doing the same.   When the boys were born he did not use family medical leave,  he took a weeks vacation with each one. Like I said before he can barely fit in the car and certainly cannot fit behind the wheel to drive.  His job depends on him driving and getting in and out of the car all day long, in other words,  he does not have a desk job.   Until that changes I guess I wear the chauffeur's cap and he is at home except for doctor appointments and physical therapy appointments.   There are a lot of those to come.  Thanks everyone for keeping up with us and stay tuned I hope I will be better on track next week.

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