Monday, October 15, 2018

Hurricane Prep and Lack There Of

I was much better prepared for Florence than I was for Michael.   I was ready for power outages and knew exactly what I was going to do for food and how we would manage the power being out.
We are on day two of no power and it may not be back on till Monday.   It makes me sick because I had made food to freeze and now it may all be lost.  Things I had frozen from our garden.  We have moved items to coolers filled with ice, we took some freezer stuff to the hubs brother, and I took some things to work to keep in that fridge and freezer.   We have still had to throw things in the garbage.  We were not prepared.
One shudder was completely torn off the front of the house and three more are barely hanging on.  One of my columns on the front of the house has shifted and is going to need some attention.
On the power outage electronic side, I was a little more prepared only because of Florence.   I had purchased a solar powered charger for phones and tablets and such.  Best purchase by far in this situation.   I ordered it from Amazon, do not know exactly what brand it is, they offer a wide variety.  This is very basic and pretty compact.  See the picture below.  Again, I am not being paid for this post nor do I get any kick backs from the company. 
The appealing thing to me about this particular model is  it is small and you can charge two devices at one time and it has a flash light feature.  I charged my phone over night with it the other night.  
We have power now but we lost a lot of food, the upside is my fridge and freezer are clean now.   Now I just have to get my freezer food back from the brother in law, I got my stuff back from work already.  

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