Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Multiple little tidbits. . .

Ok, I have to update you on several things going on. First the garden: It is doing well so far. My little herbs that I planted and have moved inside until warmer weather are doing great. I have some little sprouts in my dill pot. I love fresh dill. I use dill in lots of different things. It is good for dips and is especially good when paired with fish. I eat caned tuna occasionally. The only way I can eat it is; a little mayo, mustard, vinegar, garlic powder and dill weed. Mix this all together with well drained tuna. I eat mine over lettuce or with crackers. I also make a lemon dill sauce for salmon. I mix 1/2 cup sour cream, a little mayo, a tbsp of lemon juice, and some dill weed. Let this chill for a while. I spritz my salmon with olive oil then sprinkle with some dill and lemon juice. I bake it according to it's directions then serve with the lemon dill sauce for dipping. Jack loves it this way. Thomas tolerates it.

I took Jack to the Barber shop the other day and they were selling combs for 25 cent. I had some change and I let him get one. Little did I know I had created a monster. He now spends at least 15 minute every morning fixing his hair. He is only 9. Isn't this too soon for primping and such. He is constantly combing his hair and slicking it down. Is this normal for his age? I don't remember boys caring that much about their appearance when I was his age. I am so not ready for puberty.

Calgon take me away. . . .


Beth Cotell said...

Oh, dear! Perhaps you have a little Fonz on your hands!

Pampered Mom said...

Oh, I hope not. This morning he wanted to get up and take a shower before school. I am so not ready for this.