Friday, March 6, 2009

The Total Money Makeover!

I know I have posted before about Dave Ramsey. He is so great. I just checked his book, "The Total Money Makeover" out of the Library. (Sorry Dave but saving money these days)

I just finished it in record time. I love it. I am so jazzed about the saving and getting my debt snowball going. That is a Dave term. If you have not read the book I highly recommend it. If you have to go to the Library and check it out. I have been telling my husband about Dave and he has heard it so much that I do believe he is tired of hearing it. The funny thing is he has a friend that lives in Raleigh and they only talk about 2-3 times per month and he called yesterday. He is taking one of the courses through his Church. He is now bending Marks' ear about Dave. Poor Mark he cannot catch a break.

I have been telling everyone about his book and all the things I have learned. Some of it is common sense and some of it is more than that. My Dad has a lot of the same philosophy. I guess that is why I was not too bad in debt right out of college. I did get my first credit card in college like most kids. I was responsible with it for the first few years then I got a little wild.
One thing in Daves' book that scared me though was that, "19% of those folks that filed bankruptcy in 2006 were college students." That is sad that they are starting their adulthood that way.

This will send shivers down your spine. When Jack was only 6 yrs old he asked, "When do I get my first credit card?" Mark and both in unison said, "Never!!!!" Mark never had a credit card until he went to work with the company he is with now. They said you have to have a credit card to put work expenses on. He hated that. He has been with them now for 17 years. He still only uses a credit card for work. I guess that is why we work so well together. He is the one that keeps us grounded. If we were both like me we would probably have filed bankruptcy long ago. Gotta love him.

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