Friday, March 20, 2009

One of those days. . .

Have you ever had a day when nothing goes right? Well that would be me today. Mark would say I am hormonal. I hate that expression sometimes. He blames everything on my hormones and he does not take responsibility for anything. I do probably get more upset around that time but that does not mean that the reason I am upset should be blown off. I am upset none the less.

Today has been one of those days. I feel like my kids don't respect me and my husband does not respect me so where does that leave me. Today I feel as though I am only a servant in this house. Not a mother, wife, or friend. That hurts.

I know I am whining I am sorry. I have to vent or I am going to explode.

With two boys I feel like I have to assert myself now or when they get older they will just walk all over me. Well, they are starting to walk now. What do you do with head strong 9 year olds? Our fight this morning was over the fact that Mark is not backing me up on discipline. How am I supposed to be able to hold down the fort while he is at work if my kids do not respect me enough to follow my rules?

I am big on respect. Maybe I am expecting too much. I was raised to respect your elders and that meant anyone that was older than you, especially your parents. My parents never spanked, they did not have to. I was so scared they might that, that was enough for me.
I know parenting is hard and so is marriage, but geeze. Today was more than I can take.

Sorry to vent.


Beth Cotell said...

Sorry you had such a rough day!

I agree. Kids need to be taught respect early. I am going through some issues with my kids right now (specifically Sarah) and I hope that by being tough with them now, they will be respectful in the future. I hope!

And I agree. The husband has to back up the wife...especially on discipline issues or the kids will always know that dad will take their side. I hope the evening and weekend are better for you.

Pampered Mom said...

Thanks. Sorry I missed out today. Things are doing better. We had a long talk. Short story, he had no clue what he was doing. Go figure. Men.