Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dinner Out

So we went out to dinner last night. We took Jack, Thomas did not want to go eat Japanese. Jack got to pick because he had won the basketball pool that we did back during Basketball season. We do it as a family and who ever wins gets to pick their favorite restaurant. Jack won and he loves eating at the Japanese Steak houses where they cook the food in front of you and do the tricks. He also loves the shrimp.

We had put this off for a while now and just decided last night was a good night to do it. So Thomas went to stay with Marks' Mom while we went to eat. He was very happy with that too. He does not get to spend as much time with Marks' Mom as Jack did at that age. It is just hard for her to keep up with two of them, heck it is hard for me to keep up with the two of them. He took some of his toys and a movie for them to watch.

So we get to the restaurant and sign in and I am looking around at what everyone has on. Two people come in in tank tops. I mean ragged no sleeves and shorts. I just cringed. Here we are dressed nicely to eat at a nice place and these folks come in in shorts, not even dress shorts and a ragged muscle shirt. Yuck!
Well, you can just guess who we got to sit with. Yes, ragged shirt dude and his girlfriend with short shorts. Now I am not a snob but, I do expect people to at least wear a shirt where their armpit hair is not able to be seen at the table. Please!!!!! The other three were at least clothed but they did not take their sunglasses off the whole time. But, I had rather look at someone with sunglasses than the gentleman, and I use that term very loosely, sitting next to me with ARMPIT HAIR hanging out. Gag me!!

I am not a snob but I do believe people should have some respect for themselves as well as the people that they are sitting around. Now Jack did have on shorts but they were nice shorts and he is 9 for heaven sakes. He also had on a nice shirt.
What ever happened to restaurants having a dress code? What ever happened to common courtesy? What has happened to us as a society where that is acceptable behavior? I do not accept it. I don't know what I can do about it, but I do not accept it.


Beth Cotell said...


I can't believe Tom didn't want to go out to eat! My kids love to go out to eat...they figure anywhere is better than what I'm going to cook for them!

Pampered Mom said...

Thomas is my odd little bird. He hates the thought of eating rice or chicken. It's just easier to let him go to Memaws house.

Lori said...

Next time you go and Tom don't want to..Can I go in his place? I love me some Japanese food

Pampered Mom said...

Yeah, I call you next time we go. Maybe we won't have to sit with muscle beach boy.