Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just when you think you don't have anything left. . .

Just when you think you don't have anything left to give anyone your little comes to you in the middle of the night and says;"Mommy I threw up."  You get up groggy eyed and don't even realize your child is standing there in the buff.  When you ask what happened your eyes finally come into focus and you realize your little is covered in puke and it hits you.  You go in to "Mom mode"  you get your child cleaned up and clean clothes to put on.  Then you go for the bedroom and wonder what will I find.   You make that march up the stairs in full battle gear, you know what I am talking about.  The paper towes, garbage bags, cleaner, ect. . .  I start the cleaning process and get the sheets ready for the laundry unfortunately this time we have two casualties of the night, a beloved black and white stuffed doggie and a red valentines bear.   How will I explain their disappearance?  Maybe he won't ask?  Fat chance, that child may not remember his book bag but he knows every stuffed animal in his room.  Once all the bedding is off and in the laundry you realize the matress also has issues, so down the stairs we go and out the front door with the matress at 2am.
Now your little one is comfortable on the couch with a trash can and beach towel beside him.  You go back and try to get some sleep.   You jerk awake by the sound of, "Maaaahaaam  I am sick again."  You jump up and run to the aid of your sick child hoping that they made it to the bathroom.  This time he makes it.   You repeat this routine several more times before sun up. 
Just when you think you have nothing left to give, God steps in and shares his grace.  He is the one that trapes up and down the stairs with you as you do that laundry all night long.  He is the one that is there with you on your hands and knees as you clean the floor where your sick little one just did not make it to the potty.   He is the one that comforts you and gives you the strength you need when you feel you just can't do anymore. 


Beth Cotell said...

Amen sister! I hope he's feeling better! Several kids at school today told me the felt like throwing up...must be going around!

jennwa said...

What a great post. I think every Mom can relate to that post.

I hope he feels better.

Pampered Mom said...

Thanks he has just now gotten his appetite back.