Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lost Tooth

Thomas finally lost his first tooth on Sunday at Church during lunch.  Those that know Thomas know he is a bit dramatic.  Sunday was no exception.  He bit down on, of all things a brownie, and his tooth went sideways.  It started to bleed a little and then came the crying and tears.  I told him to go to the restroom and I would help him get it out.  It was holding on by a thread.  Our fellowship building is small and the restroom is right off the dining area so I am sure everyone heard the battle.  He was not to upset till he looked in the mirror and saw the blood on his lip.  It was merely a pin point of blood but you would have thought he had seen a river of blood.  Of course the spit mixed with the blood so it appeared much more than it was.

So I washed my hands and pulled him away from the mirror so that I could see what I was doing.  It was laying sideways in his mouth.  I reached in gently and plucked it out.  His eyes got real big and he looked in the mirror and by this time there was a little more blood.  I went and got him a cup to rinse his mouth out.  He got cleaned up and came out to tell everyone about the drama.  He could not wait to tell his teacher the next day.  I think he was the only one that had not lost a tooth yet in his class.

The Tooth Fairy was working over-time at our house.  Jack had lost a tooth the day before.  Jack is loosing his molars now.  Jack worried this tooth out.

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