Friday, July 2, 2010

Leaping into the 21st Century. . . at a snails pace

Yes, I have stepped into the 21st century as far as technology is concerned.  Of course, it has leaped ahead of me yet again as soon as I made my pruchase.  I mentioned in an earlier post I had been substitue teaching and learning a great deal about technology from the youth of today.   I learned first that my kids are deprived when it comes to technology.   Most of the kids in Middle School have cell phones, email accounts, facebook pages, and home computers.  They are all quite savy surfing the net too.  My kids have none of this.  I busted two kids with cell phones in one of the classes I was teaching.  I did not take their phones but I did tell them I would be leaving a note for their teacher.  I found out later I was supposed to take their phone and turn it over to the office.  When I caught them with their phones the conversation came up as to what type of phone I had.  I hated to tell them that I had only within the last two years gotten one with a camera.  They had a big laugh about that one.  Their phones all had the latest technology; email, camera, text, even GPS.  Now I ask you, what does a Middle Schooler need a GPS for?  What does a Middle Schooler need a phone for at school?  I went through middle, high school and even college with out a cell phone or even a computer and I turned out ok.  Well, that is subjective I know.    The phone I recently purchased does have all the gadgets and some I don't even know how to operate.  I guess I should let Jack look at it and maybe he could teach me how to use it.  My husband still refuses to text or any of that stuff.   His co-workers all text but he refuses.  He will read what you send but do not expect a reply.  He says that all this texting stuff is making the spoken word and the written(hand) word obsolete.  I agree with him in some respects.  I have seen two tween girls texting each other while sitting right beside each other.  Now that to me is odd.  This also brings up a good question about our social skills.  Are our social skills already at risk?  Think about when you shop; does the cahier make eye contact, do they smile and say thank you?   Has all this technology really helped us that much?   I stepped in just recently with my  cell phone.  I do  text sometimes.  I text my niece's just to let them know I am thinking about them and to check on them from time to time.  I do, however, text in full sentences.  I do not shorten things to only letters.  I guess I am that old dog you can't teach new tricks.

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