Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Deer. . .

On our way home one night last week from football practice I realized why I drive an SUV.  I was only 200 yards from our development and a deer ran out in front of us.  It was a big pretty buck, at least a six pointer.  I could see him in the shadows off to my right and I prayed he would not run out.  He did and I could not stop fast enough and we hit.   I hit him full broad side and his back was level with my hood.  It was me and the kids in the car, Mark was out of town.  I have never been in an accident before nor have I ever hit anything so I was a little shaken up.  My air bags did not go off thank goodness and I drove home.   The kids jumped out of the car to see what kind of damage was done and I prayed there would not be any deer pieces stuck to my grill or anything gross like that.   There was a fare amount of damage to my front end.  I did not know what to do so I called my brother-in-law and he said I had to report it to the county.  I called them and they said I had to report it to the Highway patrol.  So I called them and a trooper came to the house that night to right up a report.  I then called my insurance agent.  I highly recommend if you do not do have your insurance with a company where you have an agent that is close by that you change insurance before you have an accident.  I am so thankful that my agent is a hands on kinda guy.  He has walked me through this whole ordeal and taken the pressure off me especially since this all happened while Mark was out of town.  He got me a loner car and my truck is at the shop and  he even came to my house  when I called the insurance company to make an official report.  Not sure what is going to happen to my big red machine but I feel sure the good Lord above is watching out for us or it would have been worse.   I am also thankful that I was in my big red machine and not a little car.  This deer was big and if a car had hit him I really believe it would have come through the windshield.  

1 comment:

Beth Cotell said...

Oh no! I'm so glad you guys are ok. So I guess you've got a lot of deer meat in your freezer now?!