Thursday, January 31, 2013

30 hours of Famine

Our Church youth group is participating in a fundraiser with World Vision.  They are going to try and go 30 hours without food.  This is to help our youth and others realize what true hunger really is.  My oldest cannot go 2 hours without eating, so I am not sure how he will do.  They are going to allow them water, juice and fruit.  They will also be given small meals, that will mirror the countries where World Vision serves.  I have already learned a few things just looking over the brochure.  "More than 46 million Americans are living below the poverty line-the most since the late 1950's.  More than 16 million children live in food insecure households." (World Vision brochure 2012)  These are sad statistics for our country.   A portion of the money we raise will go to the US.
The kids will start their fast at home and will be on the honor system and will try to go without food until they meet with their youth group and two other Churches for a small meal.  This meal will represent what one child receives in a day in one of the countries World Vision serves.  Through out their 30 hours they will have plenty of water and fruit available and may eat if they need to.  Since Jack has migraines I am not sure how he is going to fare through all of this.  What an adventure though?  As we get closer I will post more on the details.

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