Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Everyone is Learning. . .

I learn something new about myself every day.  The other night I learned, I am not a night person or an all night person.  I worked the night shift.  Kudos to all of you that do, it is not easy.
It probably would have helped if I had gotten a nap before my shift.
God puts amazing teaching moments in our path every day.   As I was leaving the house, Sprat said, where are you going mom.  I told him I had to work.  He replied, now?  I said yes, this is the other shift at my job.   Someone has to be there 24/7 to answer the phones.   We take calls from 102 hospitals across the state.  We help make organ donation  possible.  I feel good about what I am doing, I  feel like I am making a difference in the world.  There are so many waiting on those transplant lists and our job is to make donation happen.  I know I  jumped the topic but just a little plug for the organ donor registry.  I put the little heart on my license this year when I renewed.
I know, as parents, we all want our kids to grow up and be good people.  I hope  I am setting  a good example  for them.
The hubbs has been in New Jersey for sales training this week and the boys have really stepped up in their game here at home.  Ahhh, another teaching moment in our house.  Sprat has been driving Big T to school and bringing him home.  He has also been helping out with their evening meal time.  I hope this is bringing them closer together and I hope they see how much they need each other. They have also been taking care of Sweet B too.   Must take advantage of all the teaching moments thrown at us.
I am learning that my very sweet babies are growing up and becoming independent whether I like it or not.  Hard lessons for mom this week. 

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