Sunday, January 13, 2019

A Little Hiccup in the Plans We Make. . .

I have said many times that God puts us where we are suppose to be.  I especially felt this when Sprat was first talking about going to Boston to college.  We prayed a great deal about this move and we talked about it at length with each other.  There were those that thought we were crazy to let our son go off to Boston by himself not knowing anyone and not having any family near by.   The hubbs and I put our faith in God and His plan for our son and we were at peace with this decision.
We found out just after Christmas that the school will be closing due to financial reasons.  They are not in any academic trouble.  To add to the trouble they are not going to have enough kids coming back to have a lacrosse season.  This is very sad for the kids like Sprat that came a long way to play lacrosse.  Several of the kids are not coming back for the Spring semester due to the school closing.  Sprat is going back to finish his freshman year.  He wants to continue his education in Boston so, we are looking now at other small colleges in and around Boston that have a men's lacrosse team.  I am very proud of Sprat and his first semester away at school he finished strong and I have great confidence he will finish as strong if not stronger in the Spring.
The college has several other colleges in the area that are going to help the kids finish their education, one in particular has reached out to Sprat and he is going to tour their campus when he returns for Spring semester.  He knows some of the students that attend this other college through working with them at the Boston College football games. 
Sprat was very sad to learn his school was closing, he loved the small campus with big city atmosphere just a few minutes away.  He also really enjoyed his classes and his instructors. We know that God has a plan and that he would not have taken my sweet boy to Boston to leave him hanging so, we continue to pray for discernment in this process.  Stay tuned as we are on that college hunt once more due to unforeseen circumstances.


Beth Cotell said...

Oh no!!!! I hate to hear that. There are so many colleges in the Boston area and hopefully he can find one that will give him everything he is looking for. I love that he wants to stay in Boston. It really is a wonderful place!

Pampered Mom said...

Beth, we were absolutely floored to hear the news and Sprat of course is devastated about the school and the fact he will not be able to play lacrosse this season. His coach is going to talk to the coach at the college that he is interested in to see if he can join their team. I was also excited that he wanted to stay in Boston. He really has enjoyed it and he has gotten to do so many neat things while he has been there. One door closes and a door or a window will open.