Thursday, January 24, 2019

This and That and the Other Things. . .

The hubbs has the "man" flu and has been home the past several days.  I love this man like crazy, but he is pressing my nerves this week.  I have had two c sections and I swear I do not believe I moaned and groaned as much as he has done, he did not moan and groan this much with his knee surgery.  Ughhhh  With all of his coughing, hacking, and whining he has the nerve to blame my irritation on PMS.  In case you are unaware of what PMS stands for exactly, let me break it down for you: Putting up with Marks Sh*!.  Funny how that breaks out, right? 

I drove Spratt to the airport for his flight back to school, bless him they were delayed and he spent the whole day at the airport by himself.  He did make it back to school safe and sound and classes have started back.  He got a text from the lacrosse coach from the school he is thinking about transferring.  They have talked and he has invited Sprat to watch their practices,  He wanted him to transfer for the Spring semester but Sprat wanted to finish his freshman year where he started.  Some think I am crazy to let him stay there and finish up his education, these are some of the same people that said I was an overprotective parent.  Now, is that not the funniest thing you have ever heard.  In my opinion, and that is the only one that counts when it comes to my kids, I was perfectly protective when my kids were little.  They are older now and make their own decisions and I just give advice, they can take it or leave it.  I feel I have raised two very independent boys and I am very proud of them both.  They are making their own decisions about their education with the hubbs and myself answering questions and giving advice. 

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