Sunday, February 8, 2009

The House is a wreck. . .

The house is a wreck! This is what my husband said last night. Now hmmmm, how did it get this way? We have two wild boys and two even wilder adults living here. Now let's see. How did our house get messy? HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Sometimes my husband just makes me laugh and laugh.

Ok, so here is how it went down. Mark decided that our house needed to be organized. HA! I agree we could be more organized and a good portion of it is my fault after all I am the one with the uterus and all. Sorry, I did not sleep very much last night so I am a little punchy this morning. Here is Marks' plan to get us back on track: We are all going to have to start picking up after ourselves. Hmmm, now where have I heard that before? The boys are going to have to start picking up the playroom and their bedroom. "Everything will have it's place." says Mark. Yes, I agree everything should have it's place but please. I am not a neat person and he knew this when he married me. I am afraid if I put everything up I won't be able to find anything when I need it.

I have a feeling we will be visiting this issue again as Marks' plan progresses.

My public service announcement for today is: Ladies do your self breast exams and get your mammogram. "Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 to 55." this is from the Breast Cancer Relief Foundation.

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