Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Daze. . .

I used to love snow days when I was younger. Now I dread them just a little. My kids were up at the crack of dawn this morning wanting to go play. I kept them in till 9:00 and I could hold them no longer. I dressed them in about 4 layers: boots, gloves, coat, toboggan, on top of the base layers.

Thomas stayed out until 11:30 and Jack stayed out until 1:30. They were both soaked to the bone. They came in and ran to the fire to warm up and Jack requested hot chocolate. Even though they were really cold I think they had fun playing around. This was not a really good snow but it is the first we have had in some years that the kids have actually been able to sled in since we moved in 2005.

Mark is such a kid too. He has been complaining all winter wanting a good snow. We just got a good dusting last night and the kids played in it too for a while. Then it stopped and we all came in. Mark firmly believed the kids would go to school today. Of course when we woke up we had gotten even more snow through the night and school was closed for the day.

The kids have been so tired from playing in the snow they have actually been good since they came in. No fights, arguments, or whining. I cannot tell you how much I hate whining. The snow day was a wonderful day after all.

Hope everyone is safe and sound.


Beth Cotell said...

The best part of it for me...NO ENCRICHMENT!!!!!!!!

Pampered Mom said...

yeah!!!!!! Me too. Bad volunteers, bad volunteers. HA HA HA!!