Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Fair

Well, I am going to be awarded the worst Mommy award this week. I had promised Jack since last fair time that he could enter something in the Fair. He loves to cook and has been wanting to make fudge since last Christmas. He does a good job. So this year I promised him he could enter his fudge in the Fair. We even created a new recipe to make it his own. I made my pound cake to submit as well. I have always wanted to enter something at the Fair too. Today is the day you have to take everything up there to be judged. I went on the website to figure out how to submit everything and found that you were supposed to send in an entry form by Sept. 1st. I did not do that, so I cannot take our entries today. Jack is going to be so mad at me. He has looked forward to this for so long. His fudge is really good too. I don't know how I am going to break this to him. Anybody want a really good pound cake?


Beth Cotell said...

Uh oh! Sounds like you are going to have one unhappy boy on your hands today!

Pampered Mom said...

Well, he took it better than I thought he would. He realized that I stayed up till 11pm to finish my pound cake and decide I didn't do it on purpose. HA HA!! Thomas simply replied, "Well, we will have cake and fudge for a while."