Saturday, December 24, 2016
Merry Christmas . . .
When I was growing up we did not have a Christmas Eve service at out Church. We spent the evening together as a family and then opened our gifts from each other after dinner. I have lots of fun memories rushing everyone through the evening meal so that we could open gifts. I was always the first one up on Christmas day, usually about 4 or 5 am. I could not sleep on Christmas Eve because I was so excited about Santa. Christmas day, we drove up to my grandmothers and spent the day with aunts, uncles, and cousins. I remember the dessert table especially, it was full of the most fantastic cakes, brownies, fudge, and pies. I come from a distinguished group of phenomenal cooks and bakers.
The hubbs and I have some traditions that are unique to our family. We have a Christmas pickle. This is a German tradition, the ceramic pickle is the last ornament hung on Christmas Eve, there is a special gift under the tree marked "the pickle". When the boys come down on Christmas morning the first one to find the pickle gets the extra "pickle" gift. This is supposed to make the kids appreciate the beauty of the tree and each ornament before they dive in and start opening gifts.
The boys have been getting Christmas ornaments each year from their grandparents and some they have made at school. When I am decorating the tree I set those ornaments aside and they put their own ornaments on the tree. I hope they appreciate the ornaments they have been given, my tree might be naked when they leave to make their own homes.
The hubbs likes to decorate right after Thanksgiving but he also likes to take everything down by January 1st. I personally like to enjoy my Christmas decorations a little longer.
These are just a couple traditions we enjoy during the Christmas season. I would love to hear about your family traditions.
Stay tuned lots will be going on in 2017, I will have a high school senior and a freshman.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Alarm Clocks. . .
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Everyone is Learning. . .
It probably would have helped if I had gotten a nap before my shift.
God puts amazing teaching moments in our path every day. As I was leaving the house, Sprat said, where are you going mom. I told him I had to work. He replied, now? I said yes, this is the other shift at my job. Someone has to be there 24/7 to answer the phones. We take calls from 102 hospitals across the state. We help make organ donation possible. I feel good about what I am doing, I feel like I am making a difference in the world. There are so many waiting on those transplant lists and our job is to make donation happen. I know I jumped the topic but just a little plug for the organ donor registry. I put the little heart on my license this year when I renewed.
I know, as parents, we all want our kids to grow up and be good people. I hope I am setting a good example for them.
The hubbs has been in New Jersey for sales training this week and the boys have really stepped up in their game here at home. Ahhh, another teaching moment in our house. Sprat has been driving Big T to school and bringing him home. He has also been helping out with their evening meal time. I hope this is bringing them closer together and I hope they see how much they need each other. They have also been taking care of Sweet B too. Must take advantage of all the teaching moments thrown at us.
I am learning that my very sweet babies are growing up and becoming independent whether I like it or not. Hard lessons for mom this week.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
A Little Giggle to Start the Day. .
Monday, December 5, 2016
Updates Galore. . .
I am still working, and in my six month probationary period. The twelve hour shifts are very hard to get use to. I have gained a whole new respect for those that work the twelve hour shifts, they are not easy at all. I am getting more accustom to the shift work. I hope they will keep me on once my probation is up. I do think I can make a difference in this job. Big T is getting ready to start a new instructional lacrosse league with a local University, he is really excited about it. Sprat is glad football season is over and he is enjoying the fact that he does not have any after school activities right now. That will change soon, he is going to try out for the high school lacrosse team.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Mom Went Away, Only For a Day. .
My sister had knee surgery the other day and I went home to try and help out. I also just wanted to be there for my sister. I post about her all the time, she is my best friend, and I do not know what I would do without her.
I shared that to explain why my very sweet hubby is having to take care of our kids by himself for a couple of days. Bless him because he had some trouble yesterday. He was unable to get in touch with our oldest after school. He did not text like he is supposed to do when he is on his way home. I was busy with what was going on with my sister and I did not realize he had not text. He has a bad habit of forgetting to text me some days. The phone company was out in front of the house and they accidentally cut our phone line and that means no WiFi. The hubbs was pretty upset because they did not even know they had done it. They were working to install in a house down the road. Still no word from the oldest. The hubbs informs the phone guys of their error and they of course do the it's not my fault dance for him. They finally see their error and attempt to fix it and cut our power. Now he has no WiFi and no power and by this time the oldest has come home so you can throw two grouchy teenagers in that mix with no mom is sight. Hey I think that could be a Christmas song. ~~~☆☆☆On the first few hours mom was gone away, no text from the oldest. On the second few hours mom was gone away, WiFi has failed. On the third few hours mom was gone away, the phone is gone too. In the next few hours mom was gone away, the power went away too. ☆☆☆~~~ Now there is the aroma of scented candles; pine bark, cinnamon, cranberry, and maybe vanilla.
Oh my poor sweet hubby. Two hours later all is restored and harmony is in view. Ha ha ha ha. Meanwhile mom is giggling just a little, at a safe distance. My mom says I willed that on them but, I really didn't. Stay tuned for more Christmas fun with my clan.