Thursday, December 13, 2018

Home Safe and Sound. .. ..

The hubbs and Sprat made it home safe and sound yesterday.  So glad to have the boy home for a few weeks, of course I may not be saying that in a few weeks.  You know how teenagers are, as you can see from the picture below he has already assumed the teenager position.   The brown lump behind his knees would be the B and she has also assumed her position.  
Speaking of the B, she was very excited to see her daddy and her boy come home.  She felt she had not seen them for years and she acted that way too.  She jumped and fussed and barked and wagged her tail like you would not believe when they came in the house.  
I have a secret to tell but you cannot share, if the word gets out I may never get to see this sight again.  So if you promise not to tell I will share what I saw.  It was almost like being in the wild when two rival species meet that usually fight to the death and you wonder what will happen.  I was brought to tears when I saw my two boys hug each other.  No, they were not trying to choke each other out as I would have thought had this happened over the Summer. They were truly happy to see each  other, in fact Big T has already enlisted his big brother advice on how to set up a prom posal for his "girlfriend" for the Spring.  Shhhhh!! I was not suppose to hear about that either.  I love hearing them talk with each other in a nice manner and not fussing and yelling at each other.  To all the Moms that are in that sibling rivalry phase, there is hope and there is light at the end of that tunnel and it does not appear to be a locomotive.  This Mama is going to enjoy Christmas having all the fellas at home together.  I am blessed beyond what I deserve and I am truly thankful for all of our blessings even the mouth one, the B. 

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