Saturday, December 29, 2018

Here is to the New Year. . . . 2019

Year end update on the family, lots of things changing in 2019 for this crew.  Lots of new adventures on the horizon for us all.  It is going to be a little scary but we will attack it like we do everything else, as my sister says with Godcofince ( Confidence in knowing that God is leading us in His path).  That is my new buz phrase for 2019. 
I am very proud of the boys for their school work this year, they both did great and finished with high GPA's and Big T has chosen his pathway.  He had originally thought he would do EMS (emergency medicine) but after going to the college and seeing everything he has changed to a nursing pathway.  I am very proud of him.  Yes, the hubbs and I are both biology/chemistry majors but we have not influenced him other than being role models.  It does make a mama proud when your kids choose to follow in your major.  Not sure if he will do the super senior that is offered at his high school or not but either way he will have a foot hold on his college classes when he graduates. 
Sprat is making his way in Boston and loving every minute of it.  I must admit I was a little scared for him to be that far away, he is easily distracted.  He had a few snafus here and there along the way and it was crazy difficult getting him his mail.  His speech that involved me sending the Cheerwine he got a 92 and he was happy.  He met a lot of interesting people and got to do a lot of cool things and if all else fails, I do believe he could be a tour guide in Boston.  LOL!!  He is looking forward to Spring semester, it is going to be a tough class load but I think he can do it.  Since he has been home we have found out that his debit card was hacked so he is cardless now.   He is going to have to learn that cash is king and much safer. 
I have thoroughly enjoyed having everyone at home and it is amazing the bond that the boys have now since Sprat has been at college.  They are getting a long so much better and enjoy spending time with each other.  To all the moms that are worried about sibling rivalry it will level out, I was very worried about that these last 7 years they just argued all the time and there was NO love there.  It is very different now.  The hubbs and I are bracing for another possible lay off with his company, they are selling off every division and they are now down to pretty much the bare bones. 
On the up swing my job is going well and I have worked a lot in the last two months.  The good news to that is that we are preparing for this inevitable lay off.   We should hear something the first of the year so, prayers are greatly appreciated.  Walking in Godcofince as we embrace changes. . . .

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