The boys got their report cards today and I am so proud. Jack made all As' and one B that is very close to an A. He made his B in math, they are doing pre-algebra in the 6th grade. Thomas made one A and the rest Bs'. He is very close on the Bs' to being As'. They are both very happy and so am I. Thomas was touch and go there in the beginning so I am very happy.
Jack made a deal with Thomas that if he made the AB honor roll that he would give him his ipod shuffle. Jack just got a new mp3 player for his birthday this year so he is willing to give the ipod away. Tonight after dinner we had the "passing of the ipod" ceremony. The boys also get $10 each for good grades.
Thomas has struggled this year and probably will struggle more but he is sticking with it and has decided he needs to study a little more. Thank goodness.
Jacks' homework has picked up in the last couple of weeks. At first he had no homework and now we are doing something everyday.
Thank you for letting me share my good news.
Congratulations! That's great work! You should all be proud.
Thanks we are very pleased. I am sure your kids did well also.
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