Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Speech Next Week. . .

A getting to know you speech, my first assignment.  Not sure I want anyone to know me.  Do we really want people to know us?   Yes, I post a lot of things here but I see this as more of an online journal.  Sometimes I vent, sometimes I want to share something new that I have learned, and sometimes I just write whatever is on my mind.
Back to the speech; I have to talk about an item from my past, present and future.  This is a hard one.  It is 2-3 minutes in length, if you go over or under you get points deducted.  I can get long winded so I am worried about the over 3 minutes issue.  I have had a real time trying to decide what items I will use to represent my past, present and future.  I think my kids represent my present and my husband represents my future but I am not sure about my past.  I think I am more complicated than a 3 minute speech.

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