Thursday, June 9, 2016

Next Phase of the Garden. . .

We have almost eaten all of the broccoli and boy it was a lot of broccoli.   We have harvested two batches of peas so far.  These are one of my favorites, I told you about eating them right out of the garden as a kid.  Not much has changed.  I do have one bag in the freezer though from this first batch I picked.  Below is my second picking, I did keep some to eat just right out of the fridge.  I wish my kids like our garden produce as much as the hubbs and I do.  I guess I was older before I appreciated all that my mother did with her garden and all the goodies that came from it.  Sprat does love the potatoes and Big T did love the lettuce.   The hubbs and I are loving it all.
Tonight we will have peas and potatoes, the hubbs loves these.   I use my sweet peas with half water and half chicken broth with a little salt and some cut up potatoes.  You can also throw a little butter or olive oil in there too.  These cook slowly on the stove while preparing the rest of the meal.

These are the ones that I will freeze for this winter.  Yummmm


Beth Cotell said...

You guys definitely make the most of your garden! Seems like you are eating out of it from spring to fall!

Pampered Mom said...

Hey Beth, yes the hubbs believes in making the most of it all. I just wish my kids would eat more out of the garden.