Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A Good Bubble Bath can Sooth Everything. . .

A good visit with both families this past weekend and got to see some relatives that we had not seen in quite some time.  It was a good weekend with beautiful weather.  Our garden and the herb garden seem to be loving this change in the weather too, everything seems to be thriving.  I have dried some oregano and the oregano I transplanted to the new herb garden is very happy. 
I found a recipe on Pinterest for a Milk bath so, I thought I would give it a try.  I do love my detox baths so I thought this could be one to add to my list. This goes to my self care,  Here is the recipe: 

2 cups powdered milk (whole not low fat)
1/2 cup corn starch
1/2 cup baking soda
10 drops lavender ( or what ever essential oil you would like to use: peppermint, rosemary, rose, eucalyptus)

put your dry ingredients in a glass jar and shake to combine, add essential oil and shake again.  Let this set for 24 hours in a dark place and shake occasionally.  You can add Epsom salt to this also.  I added 1 cup of this mixture to my bath.
I may give this one as gifts this year it is so nice.  According to history Cleopatra also took milk baths and claimed it preserved her beauty and kept her youthful.  It took 7,000 donkeys to provide milk for her daily bath.  I did not have a donkey so powdered milk will have to do.  The hubbs did say my skin felt very soft after my bath.  So, I guess I will keep this recipe handy. 
When the boys were little as a little treat they use to take baths with Aveno oatmeal bath, this mixture reminded me of that.  It was very soothing and in our Jacuzzi tub it bubbled like crazy, I never get that much bubble using a commercial bubble bath with all the chemicals.  This was truly very enjoyable and soothing. I love that it was all natural with no chemicals and that I made it with my own two hands.  I will tell you, you may have to look hard for powdered whole milk.  I just recently found it on Amazon, I could not find it in our local stores they only had low fat.  You want whole full of fat milk for your bath, it is the milk fat that will make your skin feel soft and glow like Cleopatra.

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